How to save your wet smartphone in case of ‘accidental dive’
If you are reading this article, it is probably because you are going through the unfortunate moment of having to recover a smartphone that has just been plunged into the water. There is also the possibility that you may be wanting to prepare for a possible future fatality. Whatever the case, you’re in the right place. We took a web search and did some testing to put together the best step by step to be followed after your cell phone falls in the water or when you spill some liquid on it.
However, before you check out this content, it’s important to note that there is no concrete evidence that these practices work. They are just logical actions to take after recovering the cell phone in this situation. Therefore, we can not take responsibility for any damage to your wet smartphone. Even so, it is interesting to pay attention to what follows.
Step 1
When your phone falls into the water, it is necessary to act quickly: remove the device immediately. The longer the submerged time, the lower the chances of it working again. Some smartphones currently have water protection and can withstand longer, but if your phone is not waterproof, you need to get it out of the liquid as soon as possible.
If your cell phone falls into the toilet, do not be disgusted! Get your hands on the dough (credo!) And get your smartphone out of there. It’s best to stay a month washing your hand continually than buying a new device. Any second makes the difference.
IMPORTANT: If you have dropped any liquid on your smartphone while it was plugged in, do not touch it before turning off the home switches. You can get a shock.
Step 2
After picking up the device from the wet environment, you must turn it off immediately. Do not play with it to see what works and what does not. Just turn it off. Otherwise, it may short because of the water in your circuits and turn a paper weight in an instant.
Remove the battery if possible and also remove memory cards from the attendant chip. Leave the holes open to aid drying.
If you have knocked over your cell phone in salty water after unplugging it, it is best to wash it with fresh water or alcohol to remove excess salt. This element greatly increases the chances of oxidation and therefore needs to be removed before the drying process.
Step 3
It is now necessary to dry the cell phone. It is preferable to use paper towels or napkins that can absorb water well. Rub this gently onto the phone and do not shake the device under any circumstances. That may even make the water come out of a few little holes, but at the same time, it will surely make the liquid penetrate even more and spread inside others.
After using the napkins and paper towel, look for a vacuum cleaner to suck up any leftover water from the vents. Vacuum each entry for 5 or 10 minutes to make sure all the moisture has been removed. Just be careful not to tip the vacuum cleaner into more sensitive parts, such as exposed circuit boards on devices that allow you to remove the battery.
Do not use hair dryers in any way, neither hot nor cold. Instead of eliminating the water, the wind caused it to push further and spread it. With that, the odds of something rusting in there increase, and your cell phone may end up not surviving.
Do not place the appliance in the sun to dry, let alone in the oven or microwave. Heat damages electronic devices and can cause them to explode.
Step 4
Unless you have knocked over your phone in seawater, do not immerse your device in alcohol. This liquid evaporates fast and helps remove water, but this alcohol we find on the market has a considerable percentage of water in its composition. That is, if you dip your device into a pot with alcohol, instead of improving the situation, it may end up being even more damaged.
Other than that, if your device does not allow the battery to be removed, it is very dangerous to put it in the alcohol. If the energy cell shortens because of the water that has accumulated and explodes, the alcohol will turn your project into a real bomb. That is, it is very dangerous to deal with this kind of thing at home.
Step 5
After you dry your smartphone with paper towels and a vacuum cleaner, it is interesting to look for a way to eliminate the last traces of moisture that are probably still lingering in the guts of your device. The best way out is to buy silica gel or grain and dip your smartphone into it.
The best way out is to buy silica gel or grain and dip your smartphone into it
That and other “desiccant” materials can suck the moisture very efficiently. You can buy this on the internet or in pet shops, as it serves as cat’s sand, and it’s not very expensive, no.
If you’re unlucky with any of these buying options, you have to resort to good old raw rice. Dip your appliance into a pot of rice, but make sure you choose the rice well.
It has to be “clean,” of those without much loose powder or bran. The idea is to prevent this debris from entering your smartphone and may cause problems later. Because of this, we do not recommend using flour and other things with tiny grains.
Leave your cell phone inside the silica gel for at least 24 hours in a row if it has only taken one bath. If he has dived, consider keeping him resting longer.
Step 6
Leave the phone off for a few days.
The worst thing you can have in a situation where your cell phone has been in the water is to be in a hurry to use it again. Leave the phone off for a few days, so the liquid is completely removed. Think about a minimum of one day for accidents that did not involve dives. If it has fallen into the water, it is good to leave the cell dry for at least a week inside the silica gel.
If you turn on the appliance and it still has water inside it, it is possible that some short circuit will happen and some component will be permanently damaged. There, your smartphone is very likely to turn a weight of paper.
Step 7
When you find that you have spent enough time with your smartphone drying, turn it on again. Be careful not to do this indoors, near your bed or a curtain, for example. If the device explodes, you will not want to cause a fire. The ideal is to re-connect outdoors for the first time.
If the device explodes, you will not want to cause a fire
If you press the Power button and nothing happens, it may be that the battery has discharged. Look for a power bank to give your smartphone a little charge and see if it powers on.
Only after realizing that everything is working perfectly well will you connect this device directly to the outlet. With this, you avoid more serious accidents related to electricity.
That is rather a little overdone, but prevention is better than cure. Once Note 7 has proven to the world that a cell phone can set fire to whole houses, cars, and so on, it’s interesting to watch out.
To conclude, let’s say again: there is no scientific evidence for these methods, and each cell reacts in a different way when it ends up getting wet. Therefore, these steps that we demonstrate are more good practices to consider when your cell phone takes an accidental dive than the last tutorial. Therefore, we can not take responsibility for the damages that your device may suffer.
If you are in doubt, take your smartphone for service. There they will disassemble the device and dry it piece by piece, besides removing any oxidations that may have formed due to contact with water