Monthly Budget Worksheet: How to do it?
The first step is to raise all your monthly expenses. For this, it is worth to follow the bank statement of the previous month and monitor the small expenses made in the day to day.
Each of these expenses must be included in the monthly expenditure sheet with the respective description (lunch, electricity bill). At the end of the month, just add up to find out what your monthly cost is and check if it is higher or lower than your income.
If your monthly cost is lower, great! You have a leftover budget that can be saved in savings so that you can achieve your financial goals. If it's bigger, yellow signal! You will need to review all your spending and tailor them to your financial reality. If this is your case, a good request is to know the 50-15-35 rule to get out of debt.
How to choose the best spreadsheet for me?
Once you are aware of the paths taken by the money that goes into your bank account, you are the one who decides whether this traffic is still intense or if it is time to engage the second and hold the spending engine until you reach your desired destination: financial reassurance. Without realizing it, you are already beginning to do your financial control. See how easy it is?
When choosing your monthly expense spreadsheet model, note that one differs graphically from the other, according to the mode of viewing the values.
While some function as a common Excel table, others display graphs and easier ways to compare spending from month to month. When in doubt, try more than one and see which works best for you.
But whatever tool you choose, the most important thing is to take control of your finances and monitor your monthly spending closely. Only then will you be able to take a bigger step toward your dreams, out of the trap of seeing all your income get lost in the day-to-day expenses.
So what financial control tool will you choose?
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