Depending on the taste as well as on the budget available, an interior can be traditional, rustic, modern, minimalist or luxury one. And of course the ones that can always fascinate and can draw all of the attention are the luxury interiors. Today, we have chosen Ultra Luxury Bathrooms that will for sure leave you speechless.The first thing that usually comes to your mind when you think about luxury interiors, may be an abundance of space available. But this doesn’t have to be a rule, because an interior can be small but luxury too. So, it’s all about the details. For instance, when decorating a bathroom, the choice of tiles, in terms of materials and colors can definitely help in giving a luxury look to the bathroom. Marble tiles are the most common ones, because marble is considered as a royal material. When it comes to the tub choice, there are many luxury bathtub designs to choose from, whether free-standing, sunken, corner or jacuzzi-style, square, round or with some unique shape.