If you take a stroll around Redwood City, California, you might get the sense that something isn't quite right. Pay particular attention to the shadows. Notice how they seem to misbehave? Flowers sprout from the shadows of bike racks, mailboxes turn into shadow monsters, and shady monkeys hang around atop parking meters. What's going on? Well, before you go running for the hills, don't worry, because they're actually the work of Damon Belanger, a graphic artist living and working in the San Francisco Bay Area. He was commissioned to install 20 fake shadows in the downtown area of Redwood City in order to bring more creativity to the area, and as you can see, he's certainly succeeded in doing just that. “The shadows give regular mundane objects a lively spirit so people can have a little fun in their everyday life,” says the artist, who makes them by chalking stencils onto the sidewalk before painting them dark grey.