26 of The Most Dangerous Female Criminals The World Has Seen Till Date
10. Ada Lovelace: Women & Technology Do Mix
For those of us forced to learn the “history of computers,” we may remember the name Ada Lovelace with the same frequency as Charles Babbage. For if Charles Babbage was the father of computers, Ada Lovelace was certainly its fairy godmother.
While Charles thought of computers as a calculating machine, it was Ada who saw the potential of a machine like this and created the very first “algorithm” of what a computer could do. In effect, she is the first ever computer programmer!
What many don’t know is that she was also the only legitimate child of Lord Byron, the poet, though she never actually met her father after he abandoned her when she was a month old, and died when she was eight. Augusta Ada King-Noel, Countess of Lovelace was pushed toward mathematics and logics by her bitter mother who hated both her ex-husband and literature with a vengeance, and she really did do the world a favor, though like many others, she died too soon at 36 in 1852.
Ada Lovelace was dangerous for she paved the way for women and technology, a cocktail the world still finds bitter.