15 things you should never put in the microwave
If you’ve ever started a small kitchen fire in your home, you aren’t alone. In fact, cooking was the leading cause of reported home fires and the third leading cause of home fire deaths between 2009 and 2013, according to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). The problem is many Americans don’t realize just how potentially dangerous cooking can be — and if you don’t think your small kitchen flame can really do that much harm, think again. Cooking fires in the U.S. cause an annual average of 430 deaths and $1.1 billion in direct property damage. And while several different factors can cause these types of fires, there’s one piece of cooking equipment that’s often underestimated when it comes to its potential dangers: the microwave. In order to help you stay safe — and keep your kitchen from going up in flames — here are some reminders about how to properly use your microwave.
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