Stockholm syndrome:The Mystery of Loving an Abuser - Part 1
Another captive scenario involved Patty Hearst, and many people mistakenly believe that the name "Stockholm Syndrome" comes from her situation. It happened one year after the Stockholm Bank Robbery, and it is one of the best-known cases of people falling in love with their captors. She was abducted from college when she was 19 by a radical left wing terror group. She was kept against her will, and was eventually released 19 months later. During this time, she had undergone a serious transformation. It quickly became known that even while she was being kept against her will, she was willingly partaking in the terror groups activities. These included things like making propaganda announcements on their radio station and even taking part in bank robberies. When she was found, she was charged with bank robbery, although she was later pardoned. She later admitted to several consensual sexual relationships with various members of the terror group.