Throughout the show's extended run, the writers delighted in spinning horror, thriller, and sci-fi tropes on their head or exploiting them for maximum amusement or shock (sometimes both). Anyone who's seen the censor-stretching season four episode "Home" would never question that assessment. Even without the supernatural tinge, The X-Files properly freaked us out with a borderline necrophiliac serial killer in season two's "Irresistible." Workplace dramedy, "Folie à Deux"—where an office worker discovers that his boss is literally draining him dry—also built a sense of dread and paranoia to an unnerving crescendo.Plus, all the conspiracy theory stuff really gets under the skin. There's no shame in admitting to glancing through the blinds, checking for men in black, after a particularly insidious episode. After all, the truth is out there. In fact, it could be standing behind right you now.
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