How to live longer and be healthier
Any doctor will tell you that it’s much easier to prevent something than it is to reverse it. As we get older, our bodies may change and our athletic prowess may decline, but the steps to take to lead a longer, healthier life remain the same—for the most part. A healthy diet and regular activity are at the top of the to-do list, but it doesn’t stop there.According to a 2018 study, adopting just five simple habits can help you boost your life expectancy by an impressive 12-14 years. Wondering how to live longer? Researchers found that maintaining a healthy weight, engaging in regular physical activity, eating a healthy diet, are the keys to living a longer, healthier life. Below, we’ve compiled health and wellness experts’ top tips to taking on these healthy habits—plus some more easy ways you can live a healthier lifestyle and live a longer life.
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