Top 12 Foods That Damage Your Teeth
In: Lifestyle
Lemons are a good source of vitamin C but lemon juice is highly acidic and can cause erosion in tooth enamel over time. If you sweeten that lemon water with sugar, you increase the risk of tooth decay as well.Erosion is the loss of tooth enamel, caused most commonly by acid attack. When the enamel is worn away, it exposes the underlying dentin (which is yellower in colour than enamel), and this may cause you to experience tooth sensitivity. Acidic foods and drinks can cause enamel erosion. As your enamel erodes it becomes thinner and this allows the yellower dentine that lies below the enamel to be more visible through the enamel. Your teeth may appear indented and yellower and they may also feel coarse to the tongue. The temperature of your water can make a difference to the effect of the lemon juice/water. The rate of chemical reactions increases with temperature and therefore erosion will be more severe at higher temperatures.
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