What Are the Pumice Stone Benefits?
In: Lifestyle
First, soak your feet for a while, ideally at least ten minutes. This gets your skin nice and soft. Next, rub your feet with the pumice lightly. You don’t need to be rough. Gentle rubbing for longer is much better for your skin than just a few very rough strokes. Then rinse off your pumice and carefully dry and moisturise your feet. That seems pretty simple and in reality, it is. The art is in making sure your feet are soft enough for pumice and some may have to soak them for quite some time. Also, it’s best to work in stages, especially when dealing with thicker areas of skin. Never try and remove the whole layer of dead skin in one. Be patient and careful whilst observing the area for redness. Always stop if you feel pain or think the area has become too irritated. Apply soothing disinfectant cream and moisturiser after if necessary.