Should you floss before or after brushing
Helps prevent gingivitis
When plaque builds up on your gums, it can cause an inflammatory reaction known as gingivitis. Gingivitis can pose serious risks - if left untreated, it can make you more likely to lose your teeth.Flossing can help remove or loosen the harmful plaque that sits next to your gums, both along your gumline and in between teeth. When plaque is loosened, it may be easier to remove by brushing.
The American Dental Association recommends cleaning between your teeth daily with an interdental cleaner (like floss). Cleaning between your teeth may help prevent cavities and gum disease. Cleaning between your teeth helps remove a sticky film called plaque. Plaque contains bacteria that feeds on leftover food or sugar in your mouth. When that happens, it releases an acid that can eat away at the outer shell of your teeth and cause cavities.
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