10 Amazing Health Benefits of Lentils
Do lentils have any downsides?
Lentils can be a great addition to nearly anyone's diet, but lentils (along with all legumes and some other foods such as whole grains, seeds, and nightshade vegetables) do contain lectins—a type of plant protein that some health experts, including Steven Gundry, M.D., say those who have sensitivities are better off avoiding. According to Gundry, lectins may promote inflammation and damage the gut in those individuals, contributing to conditions such as IBS and brain fog. These side effects may not occur in everyone, though, so your best bet is to assess how you feel after eating lectin-containing foods like legumes. If you consistently feel sick, consider scaling back or eliminating lectins. If you feel OK, you're probably in the clear. You can also drastically reduce the lectin content of legumes and grains by cooking them in a pressure cooker.