Appliances That Use Energy Even When Turned Off

How Much Energy are these Appliances Consuming?
According to experts, the amount of energy that is being consumed by these “energy vampires” is going to vary greatly based on the type of appliance it is. There are some that will only use a watt of energy, whereas others can use 50 watts, or more. For example, in most cases, cell phone chargers are only going to consume a watt of power while they are plugged in, even if they are not being used. The same charger will consume 4.5 watts when it remains plugged into your cellphone after it is fully charged. Additionally, rear projection televisions or a stand-alone DVR is going to consume over 48.5 watts of power, even when it is turned off.
What Does this Cost You?
As time passes, all this leaked energy may begin to add up. If your home is leaking just 2,369.7 kWh every year, which isn’t unreasonable, you are going to be paying over $230 extra for your electrical bill. There are many homes that pay even more than this.
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