What comes to your mind when you hear the word, ‘childhood’? An immense joy, a spark of nostalgia, happy moments when the world seemed just perfect? Well, that’s how childhood is portrayed or rather that’s how it’s supposed to be.But not all of us are lucky enough to go through a childhood filled with joyous memories; not all of us can afford to have a childhood where ‘pain’ was an alien language. Children are precious; childhood is the time to grow; it shapes our lives; it makes us the person we are. Innocence, tenderness, and similar soft-sounding, sweet-smelling adjectives are tagged with childhood.So, when someone faces a difficult childhood, it becomes hard to believe, it becomes hard to accept and these feelings are accompanied by a downpour of sympathy. Yes, it’s true that tough childhood is something one wouldn’t want for a child but there’s always a brighter side to everything.