One of the highlights of a marriage ceremony is the wedding vows. The bride and groom recite their vows in front of each other, their family, and friends. It symbolizes a commitment to life, made in faith and hope. These vows are the heart of the celebration.Almost everyone enters into marriage with the dream of a happily ever after. Unfortunately, not all fairy tales end in a happily ever after. What if after one week, three months, five years, twenty years, you lose the love of your life? You lose your spouse, your partner in everything, and your friend forever? The “till death do us part” came sooner than expected. It doesn't matter how long you have been together or the cause of your spouse's death but is there life after the loss? Do you get another chance of falling in love after death and being genuinely happy, the second time around?Remarrying after the death of your former spouse is often a delicate circumstance.