Procrastination is an incredibly common experience that most of us face at some point in our lives. While it is most commonly considered within the realm of work or school, it can impact any domain of life and can have very real implications for our health when related to health-promoting behaviors like sleep and exercise. This article will explore what we know about procrastination, its causes, and ways to manage procrastination in your everyday life. Procrastination is the act of putting off important activities or tasks even when we know that the consequences of this delay are substantial (Klingsieck, 2013). Procrastination can be either
behavioral or
decisional in nature. Behavioral procrastination is the delay of tasks, whereas decisional procrastination is the delay of making decisions (Karas & Spada, 2009). Additionally, procrastination can either be a trait in which someone procrastinates on all or most tasks
or it can be task/situation-specific.