Lots of people would like to make movies according to their own tastes for a living, and for a while, it was possible to go directly into business producing films and selling them to distributors....Read more
The most favorite holiday among the citizens of Russia is New Year! It is associated with long weekends to be spent with family, fun, interesting adventures with friends, decorating Christmas trees....Read more
Amplified by the global health crisis and the conflict in Ukraine, skyrocketing inflation and currency volatility are affecting international economic balances and the cost of living for each of us....Read more
Sweden's Sollentuna jail is on the list of luxurious prisons. Reports have suggested that in prison in Sollentuna prison, inmates have kitchens to cook their own meals....Read more
The 2022 FIFA World Cup will most likely be Cristiano Ronaldo’s last World Cup and he is giving his best to carry the golden trophy back to Portugal....Read more
Knowing where in the fridge to store your food is a question that many people wish they knew the answer to. Refrigerating your food correctly is important to ensure that your food remains safe to eat and stop harmful bacteria spreading for raw to ready-to-eat foods. But what goes ......Read more
Movies can help on a psychological level too, to the extent that some therapists now prescribe movies as a form of treatment....Read more
Issei Sagawa, a Japanese writer known for killing a fellow Dutch student in Paris in 1981, died late last month due to pneumonia, his brother said....Read more
Every year 100,000 children and young people go missing or run away from home. They can quickly fall under the radar and find themselves in dangerous situations. Many feel they have no one to turn to....Read more
Why do we ask questions? This is not something easy to address since I can only answer it by asking a question, which is the case with most things. We want answers to certain things that are not inherently obvious....Read more
It was 3D printed into a shape based on images of her nose from before her treatment began. Surgeons then implanted it onto her forearm where skin from her temple was grown over it. After two months growing on her arm, the nose was transplanted onto her face....Read more
Brnabic was born in Belgrade, Serbia in 1975 and obtained a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from the Northwood University of Michigan, the United States in 1998....Read more
There is a lot in life that we are unable to change. Thankfully, many of the daily dramas that we face are temporary....Read more
Expectations are a normal part of relationships. It’s natural for us to expect that our friends will remember our birthdays, our partners will prioritise us and our loved ones will support us during the tough times....Read more
We all know the importance of keeping up our brows. And while most things are best left to the pros, it's sometimes necessary to do your own maintenance in-between appointments. ...Read more