We all need to work and be as productive as possible. This lets us achieve our dreams and live happier and better lives. But there are times when each one of us just can’t help but be a lazy person....Read more
No offense to mom or dad, but there’s nothing better than living on your own " that is, unless your income requires you to get a roomie and things go south. You can’t always tell if your roommate is controlling or toxic right off the bat, especially if you’ve never experienc ......Read more
Why do you want to look different? Most likely, it's because you want other people to like you, and you believe looking a certain way will make you more loved and accepted....Read more
What are the signs that your spouse may be cheating? Sometimes you know, and sometimes you don’t. When infidelity happens in a marriage or other committed relationship, one of the worst parts can be all the lies....Read more
To be classy one must embody and personify exquisite elegance, etiquette, sophistication, and grace. One can be classy in a manner of dressing, for example, or speaking. To be a classy individual, however, is an overall way of being and not just any one thing that one does....Read more
The athletic heights that humans are capable of is truly remarkable. And what fuels these elite athletes is vital in keeping them at the top of their game....Read more
Long before social media appeared and changed the way people consume media, young women already had to deal with society’s unrealistic expectations of feminine beauty....Read more
Starting a blog today is pretty straightforward, but it’s hard to be successful and make money from it....Read more
People have moved from their home countries for centuries, for all sorts of reasons. Some are drawn to new places by ʻpull ʻ factors, others find it difficult to remain where they are and migrate because of ʻpushʼ factors....Read more
Scarring -no matter the size - can act as a painful reminder of past trauma and may cause individuals to feel alienated in their own bodies, which is where Harrison’s work comes in....Read more
Us Intellectuals, hipsters, art fans and film snobs don’t waste our time on the trendy, trashy mainstream blockbusters that philistines just find so irresistible. We want to be moved....Read more
he first time “nostalgia” came into use was in 17th-century Switzerland, when physician Johannes Hofer identified it as a condition specific to Swiss mercenary soldiers....Read more
When we talk of helping others, the first thing we usually think of is giving them material things or making cash donations. ...Read more
Britney Spears is expressing her feelings as she uses her credit card after 15 long years. Turning to her Instagram on Friday, the 40-year-old popstar admits that she was 'shaking' as she made her own purchase after a long time....Read more
With your head up, eyes focused, keys between the knuckles, you scan the parking garage as you make your way alone to meet your friends for a night on the town....Read more