Research found that men tend to use one side of their brain (particularly the left side for verbal reasoning) while women tend to use both cerebral areas for visual, verbal and emotional responses....Read more
You might not have realized it but choosing the right pillow to sleep on is an important task. The kind of pillow you choose and the way you maintain it will significantly affect not only the quality of your sleep but your overall health as well....Read more
Your vision may improve if you wear prescription glasses or contact lenses. But, if you want to do more to improve your vision, there are other ways to do so....Read more
Whether you've got a signature scent à la Marilyn Monroe and her beloved Chanel No. 5, or you like to play the field, constantly rotating with an entire fragrance wardrobe adorning your vanity....Read more
Vitamin B1 is a water-soluble vitamin, as are all vitamins of the B complex. Vitamins are classified according to the materials they dissolve in....Read more
Overchoice or choice overload is a cognitive impairment in which people have a difficult time making a decision when faced with many options....Read more
What’s dopamine? Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that our brain produces to nudge us into doing stuff. It’s the main reason why we can focus and achieve great things even if the payout isn’t immediate or obvious....Read more
Did you know that certain fat cells in your body are extremely “resistant” to being mobilized and burned? Did you know that these fat cells tend to accumulate in the dreaded belly, hip, and thigh regions of your body?...Read more
Going to bed hungry isn't just a punishment your mom doled out; some people believe this trick is the key to shedding those unwanted pounds. Not skipping dinner necessarily, but cutting off your calories at a certain time of night....Read more
A yawn consists of the simultaneous inhalation of air and the stretching of the eardrums, followed by an exhalation of breath. It often occurs before and after sleep, but is also associated with stress, boredom and even hunger....Read more
when you ingest the amounts we typically consume in food. In fact, when you eat spicy food, you’re not burning your tongue at all you’re a victim of a neurological response. When you take a bite out of a chile pepper, the pepper’s membranes release capsaicin, a chemical compound ......Read more
Suspicions about plastic rice being passed off for food went viral in 2017. However, food safety agencies have yet to find any evidence that supports the rumors.[1] If you want to stay on the safe side, you can test rice by making sure it sinks in water, boiling it, and heating i ......Read more
Whether it's handling something serious via SMS that should really be dealt with in person, or sending private information via your phone, there are numerous situations ...Read more
Too much study or, heaven forbid, bicycle riding and other unladylike sports would render nice women...Read more
Do you incorporate healthy habits into your everyday life? You probably brush your teeth every day and try to eat healthy food, but just as the right habits will make you healthier, the wrong habits can ruin your health....Read more