We're used to hearing a lot of interesting things about the places that we can visit. And when a location fascinates us, we think, "Oh, that's cool! I should add this place to my Bucket List and visit it someday!". But what about the places that we can decidedly leave off our Bucket Lists? What about those forbidden locations we aren't allowed to enter? It's hard to imagine that there are such places in our world, yet there are a number of them. To name a few, there are military bases that want only their staff members to access. There are historical sites that are so fragile that they can be seriously damaged by the human presence. And there are also dangerous places that none of us would ever want to visit. Yet many of these places intrigue us, like a forbidden fruit that immediately becomes so desirable. They attract some curious travelers like magnets, making them strive to explore the unknown lands. And still, it's better not to even try to visit these places, for the sake of your own life.