When your bones and joints are in correct alignment, it allows the muscles to be used as they’re intended, so you’ll have less fatigue and more energy, explains Griffith. In other words, “the muscles don’t have to work so hard to do what they’re supposed to do....Read more
Among the many global catastrophic risks known to humans, some are entertained in the media more than the others. Asteroid impacts, supervolcano eruptions and climate change have all received the Hollywood treatment....Read more
Sports are a great way for people to maintain their physical fitness. Not only do sports help with physical well being, they also help build positive personality traits such as teamwork, sacrifice and perseverance....Read more
Problem-solving and decision-making. Ask anyone in the workplace if these activities are part of their day and they answer 'Yes!' But how many of us have had training in problem-solving?We know it's a critical element of our work, but do we know how to do it effectively?...Read more
Little wonder then, that the Emelda Marcos’s of this world, for instance, own thousands of pairs of shoes....Read more
Safety and security lie at the heart of the prosperity of any nation. Citizens want to feel safe (protected from risk or injury) and secure (free from danger or threat). But today security is challenged in all aspects of our daily lives and trust in the institutions that should k ......Read more
Added sugars are sugars that manufacturers add to food to sweeten them. In this article, we look at how much added sugar a person should consume....Read more
Iran is a rich country, not only in history, but also in art and culture. One of the things many Iranians brag about is their cinema. From the two-times winner of the Academy Awards, Asghar Farhadi, to the best actor award in the Cannes Film Festival, Iran has many great movies a ......Read more
From ‘80s movies remakes to 90s parties we all love a little nostalgia. Whilst you didn’t notice as a (pre)teen, it probably was the most care-free time of your life....Read more
A staggering number of people are setting up shop on their mattresses; according to a November 2020 study, 72% of 1,000 Americans surveyed said they had worked remotely from their bed during the pandemic a 50% increase since the start of the crisis....Read more
Chances are you’ve heard of intuitive eating. One of the biggest advantages of this approach is that you can use internal hunger and fullness cues to help you decide when you’ve eaten enough....Read more
Deja vu is the feeling that what you’re experiencing has already taken place. Chances are you’ve had deja vu at least once in your lifetime....Read more
Despite being told time and time again that sleep is essential to overall health "logging enough hours helps maintain weight and keeps you focused....Read more
For some, the siren call of fame is strong enough to keep people in the public eye for as long as possible. For others… it’s whatever....Read more
The dominant literature mostly treats oil in terms of economy or geopolitics: it is a commodity, and as money, it impacts on states and politics. More nuanced research has instead focused on the social and cultural impact of oil as seen from below, within communities....Read more