Belonging or connected to a king or queen or a member of their family: the royal family. a royal visit. good or excellent, as if intended for or typical of royalty: The team was given a royal reception/welcome....Read more
Many people take supplements to help with health conditions or improve their well-being. Vitamins, minerals, herbs, and probiotics are all types of supplements that may aid health....Read more
The Princess Grace Foundation-USA is dedicated to upholding the legacy of Her Serene Highness Princess Grace of Monaco....Read more
he complex is owned by the Armenian Cultural Ararat Organization founded in 1944, one of the largest associations of Armenians....Read more
If you struggle with issues of self-esteem and insecurity, the worst possible thing you can do to yourself is to compare yourself to someone else. In truth, those comparisons are a big part of the reason why so many of us struggle with insecurity....Read more
Regardless of career path or life environment, everyone is highly likely to come across an annoying person at least once in their life. Getting along with difficult people is an important element of avoiding conflict and learning to overcome adversity....Read more
Armita Abbasi is a 20 year old girl who participated in recent demonstrations for freedom. On October 18 she was taken to Karaj Hospital by the security agents....Read more
But many common objects have hidden features that make them much safer, more useful, and more interesting. Here are a few of our favorite examples....Read more
Halloween has always been one of my favorite holidays. The chance to transform into your favorite character, ghost or goblin only comes around once a year!...Read more
Amini, from the northwestern Kurdish city of Saqez, died three days after she was arrested in hospital after falling into a coma....Read more
Iran's two top intelligence organs issued a joint statement claiming that foreign intelligence, especially the CIA, have a significant role in popular protests. ...Read more
A clean bedroom just makes you...happier! According to a recent study published in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, people who described their homes as cluttered, messy, and full of unfinished projects were also more depressed....Read more
Do you feel like your life is a daily grind? Are you finding that you’re not enjoying any social occasion or personal pleasure? We’ve faced many emotionally and physically draining events over the past couple of years, and you may feel it’s hard to get excited or interested in an ......Read more
Students from a Philippine college class went viral for their creative ‘anti-cheating’ hats, after a teacher asked them to wear headgear to prevent peaking at classmates’ exam papers....Read more
Sayyid Assadollah Ladjevardi was an Iranian conservative politician, prosecutor and warden. He was assassinated by the People's Mujahedin of Iran on 23 August 1998....Read more