Gravity is perhaps the best known of the four fundamental forces. It’s also the one that’s easiest to understand. At a basic level, gravity is simply the mutual attraction between any two masses. It’s the force that lets the Sun hold the planets...Read more
The line between crazy and ingenious is often a very thin one, and sometimes ideas that sound great in your head should really only stay there. On the other hand, there are these every...Read more
A rough day at work, a big fight with your spouse, the loss of a loved one, a setback in your business, personal issues you can't seem to get away from, the fight of addiction, and countless other challenges. We all have different types of challenges...Read more
The world has seen tragedy in many forms. Wars, genocides, riots, killings, famines and what not. The real evil however lies within the architects of these inhuman practices....Read more
Exploring eerie backyards for example can be very exciting and curious activity. For various reasons, people sometimes have to take a spade and dig up their property. ...Read more
An innocent error can easily lead to a disappointing dish―here, how to prevent overcrowded pans, recipe missteps, and more....Read more
We’ve lost too many great musicians over the past couple of decades. Regardless of your taste in music, chances are you remember when the news cycle covered one of their deaths....Read more
Performing the tasks required to make the vehicle get from point A to point B should be the most important things you do while driving....Read more
Shadows are unique to everyone and everything. Dependent on the angle of the light, the shadow cast on the ground can look completely different to the object itself and can even resemble a different object entirely. ...Read more
Hollywood loves stories about people who meet and fall in love, so much so that you might, in fact, be tired of watching couples meet and fall in love....Read more
Information - that’s what Google’s all about. They aim to take the entire world and suck it into their computers, then serve it up as search results to us with ads attached. And we love them for it....Read more
We've all heard it before: "Stay positive, look on the bright side - don't let things get you down." The fact of the matter is it's way easier to say it then to actually train yourself to be more positive. Interestingly enough, the reason for this could be tied into our biology a...Read more
Do you tend to take life just a little too seriously? Do you make mountains out of molehills? Just maybe you allow unnecessary worries to get the better of you. Life can certainly get quite serious at times. It’s not always fun and games. Bad stuff happens to the best of people...Read more
As fanciful as it sounds, some philosophers have long argued that we’re actually more likely to be artificial intelligences trapped in a fake universe than we are organic minds in the “real” one. ...Read more
For some users Instagram is generating more than appreciative likes and comments as they document their lives, travels and eating habits on their smartphones....Read more