The dominant literature mostly treats oil in terms of economy or geopolitics: it is a commodity, and as money, it impacts on states and politics. More nuanced research has instead focused on the social and cultural impact of oil as seen from below, within communities....Read more
Tehran is the capital of Iran, in the north of the country. Its central Golestan Palace complex, with its ornate rooms and marble throne, was the seat of power of the Qajar dynasty....Read more
The city of Jászberény is located one hundred kilometers east of Budapest, Hungary. Jászberény is the Hungarian sister city of Yazd. Recently a Hungarian researcher by the name of Gábor Turóczi e-mailed Yazd....Read more
Also known as cab drivers, taxi drivers transport clients to their destinations via automobile. Taxi drivers are usually paid according to the distance and time taken to complete each trip....Read more
Known as the “Pearl of the Orient”, Goa is one of the most popular beach destinations in India....Read more
Located on a manmade island 280m off Jumeirah Beach, Burj Al Arab (meaning Tower of the Arabs) is a luxurious hotel that is the fourth tallest hotel in the world....Read more
Shiraz weather is just as pleasant as the atmosphere found in the places where the summers are hot, and winters are cool....Read more
Turkish cuisine is chiefly the continuance of Ottoman cuisine, which in turn used numerous elements and influences from other parts of the world such as Central Asia, Balkan and Caucasian cuisines....Read more
Kish Island is located in the southern part of Iran, in the Persian Gulf. It is one of the top tourist destinations in Iran . Its historical sites, its beautiful beach, and its many shopping centers have made it an ideal place to visit....Read more
To even the most seasoned globetrotter, Antarctica represents an impossibly exotic and irresistibly alluring adventure....Read more
Malaysia is a Southeast Asian country occupying parts of the Malay Peninsula and the island of Borneo. It's known for its beaches....Read more
Darband, formerly a village close to Tajrish, Shemiran, is a neighborhood inside Tehran's metropolitan limits. It is the beginning of a popular hiking trail into Mount Tochal...Read more
These countries accomplish this by highly creative means. Here are ten bizarre ways small countries earn an income....Read more
In the 40s and 50s the uniforms were mostly military style: tailored jackets, long skirts, dark colours. Back then, all uniforms looked very similar....Read more
After a relaxing vacation, you’d think your body would be so rejuvenated that your immune system would be in tip-top shape. But it’s like clockwork: The second your plane lands back home, sniffles or body aches surface out of nowhere....Read more