First of all, can you think back to a time in your life before your smartphone entered the picture? Did you feel, act, or think differently? We thought so....Read more
A married dad-of-three has been wearing women’s clothes in public for the past four years because he wants to prove clothes have no gender....Read more
If you've been trying to lose weight safely but find that the scale hasn't budged just yet, it may be time to take a second look at the ingredients you're routinely stocking in your kitchen....Read more
According to the World Health Organization, women in Japan have the longest life expectancy in the world at 86.8 years....Read more
Salty or sweet, gooey or chunky, fried or cheese-covered, everyone has a favorite guilty pleasure junk food....Read more
Cleaning your car offers the ultimate reward for motorists: a gleaming vehicle that turns heads when you drive around or park up....Read more
Not everyone is emotionally mature enough to be in a relationship. Real, genuine, healthy relationships are built on mutual trust and respect, as well as the ability and desire to communicate about your issues all things that an emotionally immature partner might struggle with....Read more
Did you know that violets are used as something other than just being a pretty flower?...Read more
We’ve all been there. You meet someone who seems like a great catch.“Finally!”, you say to yourself.It’s been a long haul to get here....Read more
Manoto is an international free-to-air Persian language general entertainment channel launched in October 2010, owned by Marjan Television Network, which was established by Kayvan Abbassi and Marjan Abbassi....Read more
This multinational is the first global company in the beverage industry, who proposes more than 500 beverage brands sparkling and ! This gigantic firm, known in the entire world, is very far from perfect....Read more
Optimizing fitness centers to allow for social distancing during exercise is a requirement for gyms to reopen, however it never hurts to be mindful of this yourself. ...Read more
We have all at one time probably been intrigued by what makes men attractive to women. We know, for example, that physical good looks....Read more
Nutrition experts hesitate to call any food ''forbidden,'' reasoning that it's okay to eat all foods in moderation, with an occasional ''treat'' of less-than-healthy fare. Still, some foods do merit a spot on the ''worst foods for your health'' lis...Read more
Every day it seems like another famous celebrity couple is breaking up. We all know the divorce rate is quite high and not all relationships last forever....Read more