What’s dopamine? Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that our brain produces to nudge us into doing stuff. It’s the main reason why we can focus and achieve great things even if the payout isn’t immediate or obvious....Read more
Did you know that certain fat cells in your body are extremely “resistant” to being mobilized and burned? Did you know that these fat cells tend to accumulate in the dreaded belly, hip, and thigh regions of your body?...Read more
Going to bed hungry isn't just a punishment your mom doled out; some people believe this trick is the key to shedding those unwanted pounds. Not skipping dinner necessarily, but cutting off your calories at a certain time of night....Read more
A yawn consists of the simultaneous inhalation of air and the stretching of the eardrums, followed by an exhalation of breath. It often occurs before and after sleep, but is also associated with stress, boredom and even hunger....Read more
when you ingest the amounts we typically consume in food. In fact, when you eat spicy food, you’re not burning your tongue at all you’re a victim of a neurological response. When you take a bite out of a chile pepper, the pepper’s membranes release capsaicin, a chemical compound ......Read more
Suspicions about plastic rice being passed off for food went viral in 2017. However, food safety agencies have yet to find any evidence that supports the rumors.[1] If you want to stay on the safe side, you can test rice by making sure it sinks in water, boiling it, and heating i ......Read more
Whether it's handling something serious via SMS that should really be dealt with in person, or sending private information via your phone, there are numerous situations ...Read more
Too much study or, heaven forbid, bicycle riding and other unladylike sports would render nice women...Read more
Do you incorporate healthy habits into your everyday life? You probably brush your teeth every day and try to eat healthy food, but just as the right habits will make you healthier, the wrong habits can ruin your health....Read more
It takes us years to control them. As we move into our 50s, they become more stable and we begin to achieve more serenity in life. Apart from that, we are more drawn to positivity and are able to hold on to it for longer, which is another reason why we feel happier as we age....Read more
Serotonin is a chemical that has a wide variety of functions in the human body. It is called the 'happy chemical' because it contributes to well-being and happiness....Read more
Do you get sick often and take sick days off from work? Chances are you may have a weak immune system....Read more
Having fat in the liver is normal but only to some extent. When more than 5 to 10% of your liver's weight is fat, it is known as a fatty liver disease. This exposes your liver to a risk of injuries, inflammation, and scarring. Fatty liver is of two types, alcoholic fatty liver, a ......Read more
Testosterone plays an important role in building muscle, cardiovascular health, overall hormonal balance, as well as mood regulation and influencing your metabolic rate....Read more
Chicken feet is a chicken part that is often thrown away because some people think that it is disgusting. However, other people find it delicious and use it for making an amazing dish. It has a unique flavor and soft texture that make it addicting....Read more