Thinking about purchasing a new car? You might want to think twice about the color you pick as it can give insight into your personality. ...Read more
Around the world today, people of all races and creeds eat some of the most disgusting things you can imagine. This is a list of the most disgusting things that people eat....Read more
India is undoubtedly one of the most interesting countries in the world. It strikes us with its contrasts, impresses us with its traditions and culture...Read more
We use a lot of kitchen items every day. Being ordinary essentials, they don’t trigger our mind towards their harmfulness. However, taking a lot at the other side of the picture, we get to know how dangerous they can turn out to be. ...Read more
It's easy to believe of happiness as a result, but happiness is also a driver. While I'm certainly into finding ways to improve personal efficiency (whether a one-day burst, or a lifetime, or things you...Read more
Forbes should seriously consider adding animals to their millionaires list, because there's quite a few that have earned or inherited the big bucks and deserve some recognition. These 10 animals have so much money, ...Read more
“Sharing is caring” is a phrase my parents taught me from a young age. Having said this, sometimes when someone wants to share something that is yours it’s really difficult to stand by the principles you were raised on....Read more
There are many ways to show love and devotion in a relationship, but it seems getting tattooed is the most popular!...Read more
Many of the world's wealthiest people are also some of the most generous, but not when it comes to their family members....Read more
Being born left handed is not something you can do a great deal about. It may not seem like such a big deal to a right handed person but believe me, being a “leftie” really does come with a lot of struggles. ...Read more
Psychology can tell us a lot about the abilities, talents, and character of a person from the way he arranges objects in space....Read more
Imagine how easier life would become if we developed the talent of reading the unexpressed thoughts of other people....Read more
Most women who are older than 20 say their main worry is losing hair. There can be dozens of reasons to explain why there's more hair clogging up your...Read more
Growing up, we’ve all been scolded by our parents for doing the things that were not good for us, that there will be no turning back. If you bite your nails, diarrhoea is the ultimate result. That’s why we had no other choices but to do it all secretly....Read more
It is no secret that smoking takes a toll on your health, but despite knowing the negative consequences of tobacco, many people continue to smoke....Read more