In a world filled with conflict, violence, and unrest, the concept of peace seems like a distant dream. Despite the efforts of governments....Read more
Kobra Saeedi (Shahrzad), a talented individual who excels in acting, poetry, filmmaking, and dancing
Kobra Saeedi (Shahrzad) is a renowned poet and one of the first female filmmakers of Iran....Read more
Iran's Guardian Council, which oversees elections and legislation, has approved six candidates to run for president in snap elections to be held....Read more
Have you always had a knack for making people laugh? Do you find yourself cracking jokes at every opportunity and making others chuckle with your quick wit?...Read more
Makeup is a crucial aspect of filmmaking that is often overlooked but plays a significant role in shaping the characters and enhancing the overall visual appeal of a film....Read more
The Paykan was the first Iranian-made car, produced by Iran Khodro Company in 1967. It was based on the British Hillman Hunter model....Read more
Creating a better world is a complex and multifaceted task that requires collaboration, innovation, and perseverance on a global scale....Read more
Iranian leaders may believe that having a larger population is beneficial for the country's economic and military strength....Read more
There are many ways to make your stuff last longer, whether it's clothing, electronics, appliances, or other items....Read more
The world is facing numerous challenges today, from climate change to global poverty, violence, and inequality....Read more
Khomeini was an Iranian Shia Muslim religious leader and politician who led the 1979 Iranian Revolution that overthrew the monarchy....Read more
The concept of journalism, and the role it plays in society, is a crucial one that cannot be overstated....Read more
The staff of the Department for the Holy Courtyard Care at the Al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine finished the work of washing the shrine....Read more
As we age, the inevitable decline in cognitive function becomes a concern for many individuals. Memory loss, in particular....Read more
Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, a hardliner seen as a potential successor to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei....Read more