Most lung cancers do not cause any symptoms until they have spread, but some people with early lung cancer do have symptoms....Read more
Eggs have been thrown after a statue of Baroness Margaret Thatcher was lowered into place in the former prime minister's hometown of Grantham....Read more
Don’t wait for things to get easier, simpler, better. Life will always be complicated. Look for small opportunities for happiness in the moment you are in right now....Read more
Do you know anyone who’s as phony as a three-dollar bill? They say one thing yet do another; they make rules but don’t follow them....Read more
With its marvellous landscapes, organised cities and high standard of living, it’s easy to see why more and more people are moving to Germany. ...Read more
We’ve all had that feeling that somebody is watching us - even if we’re not looking directly at their eyes. Sometimes we even experience a feeling of being watched by someone completely outside our field of vision....Read more
Happiness is a state of mind. Specifically, it is a state of “well-being and contentment.” But the definition can be tricky and assumptions about the word can cause confusion....Read more
Rap music is prevalent in today’s society and has cemented itself as one of the most popular genres of music out there. So it’s no surprise that there are lots of people that love the genre and want to become a rapper themselves....Read more
Looking at childhood photos usually brings back fond memories and some embarrassment; our parents often dressed us in awkward clothing and gave us some questionable haircuts (remember the 90s bowl cut?)...Read more
Searching for a new job shouldn’t always be about chasing a pay rise or the next step on the ladder. Your search should be toward finding a role that you love....Read more
Through human rights activism, you will be able to help other people and make a real difference in their lives....Read more
We all know that person - the one who leaves you feeling worse off after interacting with them. Maybe it’s a manipulative family member or a co-worker who can’t stop complaining about every little thing. It’s common to refer to these people as being toxic. ...Read more
In a Royal Wedding that took place in Tehran on 21st of December 1959, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, The Shah of Iran, married Farah Diba...Read more
Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. Renew. All words you’ve heard of before. But are you aware of how these 4 R’s can help your business reduce the environmental impact of its packaging operations?...Read more
Return migration can have multiple benefits. It allows migrants who have accumulated savings abroad to ease credit constraints at home and set up a business. ...Read more