Advertising's necessary if you want to attract customers. If you don't advertise how can you expect people to know about your product? This is why advertising and marketing departments are a crucial part of any sales campaign and the more creative the image, the better! ...Read more
Our human body is a wondrous place. It is an ecosystem in itself, an island where everything works like a swiss watch....Read more
FROM JAMES BOND to Jason Bourne, spies on film know where to get the latest top-secret technology - and how to use it ‘in the field’....Read more
Long gone are the times when you could buy 100 identical Christmas cards from the bargain bin, scrawl a quick generic message inside and be satisfied that you have played your part in spreading Christmas ...Read more
Lately, science has developed significantly and brought many beneficial achievements in all fields. And just when you think everything has already been discovered and studied ...Read more
With Christmas and merriment almost banging on your door, are you going to be just happy with plum cake and wine, or would something that’s mood-lifting, ...Read more
The time of day when you shower depends upon personal preference typically, but research shows that showering in the morning versus the evening has different perks for people. ...Read more
Demography is a strange thing. In one country, the female population strongly outweighs the male; in some others, there are more men. The scales are tilted by migrants, housing problems, and even mentality....Read more
In university, most classes, at least in the humanities and social sciences, dealt at least in partial with the morality of the lessons we learned. Especially in marketing and communications classes, there was the line between persuasion and propaganda....Read more
Regardless of how much you know about North Korea, it will never fail to amaze you. North Korea is the most secretive and controversial country ...Read more
If you’ve ever started a small kitchen fire in your home, you aren’t alone. In fact, cooking was the leading cause of reported home fires and the third leading cause of home fire deaths between 2009 and 2013, according to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)....Read more
If you take a look at a globe or a map of the world, it's not too hard to find the largest country, Russia. Covering more than 6.5 million square miles and stretching 11 time zones, no other nation can match Russia for sheer size....Read more
Would you like to know which are the unfriendliest cities in the world? These cities are notorious for their rude treatment of travelers and their inhospitable atmosphere....Read more
Looks like the happiest place on Earth is also the most snap-happy place, according to new statistics from Instagram....Read more
Every year, new cities are constructed from scratch all over the world. However, they don’t at all times discover their inhabitants. Hundreds of new residential homes are empty, sitting in everlasting ...Read more