In an alternative universe, a new virus emerges in China. The country quickly identifies the pathogen, closes its borders, launches an unprecedented campaign to eradicate the virus, and manages to ensure that very few cases leave the country. The other countries that do...Read more
Every night during sleep, every individual will have around five dream episodes, which can last between 15 and 40 minutes. ...Read more
Reza Beyk Imanverdi was born in Iran in 1936. He found employment at the American embassy in Tehran since he had a good knowledge of the English language. Beyk loved cinema and aspired to be an actor. In 1958, he joined a theatrical group named "Oscar". ...Read more
Kambiz Mehdizadeh, in his early thirties, who reportedly married Rouhani’s daughter in a low-key wedding this August, was appointed to the senior position in the industries and mining ministry on Saturday....Read more
Listening to sad music after losing a loved one, being diagnosed with a terminal illness, or finalizing a divorce might seem counterintuitive, but this somber sounding activity has been proven to help....Read more
History has no shortage of moments when things seem to be going on their merry - or at least routine way, before taking a turn for the worse, and stuff suddenly gets dark....Read more
Meghan, Duchess of Sussex is an American member of the British royal family and former actress. She is the wife of Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, the younger son of King Charles III. Meghan was born and raised in Los Angeles, California....Read more