You very likely breathe without thinking about it. Your body does it automatically, without much, if any conscious effort on your behalf....Read more
Davoud Rashidi was an Iranian actor. Rashidi, along with Ali Nasirian, Ezatollah Entezami, Jamshid Mashayekhi and Mohammad Ali Keshavarz is known as one of "the five most important actors in the history of Iranian cinema" due to their significant influence....Read more
Getting paid to post on social media is nothing to scoff at. But if you want to live the good life, you first have to ask, how much do influencers make?...Read more
Bijan Mortazavi started playing the violin at the tender age of three. In Tehran, he was trained by five of the most respected and well "known violinists; thereby learning specific techniques....Read more
mon showering mistakes people make and they can cause poor hair and skin quality. ...Read more
Grief is a natural response to loss. It’s the emotional suffering you feel when something or someone you love is taken away. ...Read more
Perhaps you started out singing in the shower, went on to join the local community choir group, and are now ready to take it to the next level. We back that. If you have the talent, why not put it to good use?...Read more
Darabi was born in 1940 in Tehran. Following the end of high school, she entered Medical School of University of Tehran in 1959. ...Read more
You may have recently discovered just how much fun freshwater fishing can be, or maybe some recent saltwater fishing. ...Read more
A few weeks after Hengameh Ghaziani's farewell from the acting world, Afshana Baygan, an actress with a history of cinema and television....Read more
A YouTube bodybuilding star known as Joesthetics has died at the age of 30, according to posts shared on social media by his friends and girlfriend....Read more
There's a "moderate and statistically significant genetic correlation between height and general intelligence," one study found. Other studies came to similar conclusions....Read more
For centuries memories have been captured through photos. Photos are the only way to remember what happened in our lives because they capture memories....Read more
psychological testing, also called psychometrics, the systematic use of tests to quantify psychophysical behaviour, abilities, and problems and to make predictions about psychological performance....Read more
One of the highlights of a marriage ceremony is the wedding vows. The bride and groom recite their vows in front of each other, their family, and friends....Read more