Pomegranates are delicious, and their ruby red seeds are a beautiful addition to recipes....Read more
The launch of the bio-space capsule is in line with the realization of the plan to send humans into space....Read more
The eyes may be the window to your soul but your face, features and complexion give away all sorts of information about you....Read more
Whether simply enjoyed with a spoon or tossed in a festive fruit salad, kiwi, or kiwifruit, is one of the most beloved tropical fruits....Read more
Water gushing through your home can wreak untold havoc on your property. This threat is posed by stormwater, floods, or plumbing issues....Read more
There are plenty of mysteries about the human body, and yawning is no exception....Read more
Understanding the dangers of flight that service members face increases awareness of the military lifestyle within the civilian population and is critical in finding solutions to lessen the severity of injury....Read more
As mother nature’s original superfood eggs have been part of our diets since the dawning of time....Read more
Ever been in a situation where you desperately need to sneeze but end up holding it in?...Read more
Once food enters your mouth, it can take between two to six hours to hit your small intestine in a process known as gastric emptying....Read more
Strength can be physical, mental, emotional, or psychological. During the last 50 years, women almost caught up to men in education....Read more
They may promote heart health, reduce cancer risk, support brain function, and reduce inflammation...Read more
Heart disease continues to be the leading cause of death in both men and women worldwide....Read more
The science of how food affects our mood is based on how serotonin changes our brain chemistry....Read more
Artificial intelligence (AI) could replace the equivalent of 300 million full-time jobs, a report by investment bank Goldman Sachs says....Read more