As mother nature’s original superfood eggs have been part of our diets since the dawning of time....Read more
Ever been in a situation where you desperately need to sneeze but end up holding it in?...Read more
Once food enters your mouth, it can take between two to six hours to hit your small intestine in a process known as gastric emptying....Read more
Strength can be physical, mental, emotional, or psychological. During the last 50 years, women almost caught up to men in education....Read more
They may promote heart health, reduce cancer risk, support brain function, and reduce inflammation...Read more
Heart disease continues to be the leading cause of death in both men and women worldwide....Read more
The science of how food affects our mood is based on how serotonin changes our brain chemistry....Read more
Artificial intelligence (AI) could replace the equivalent of 300 million full-time jobs, a report by investment bank Goldman Sachs says....Read more
There are multiple varieties of fig, all of which vary in colour and texture....Read more
Golden raisins are not dried in the sun but large dehydrators helps to control temperature and control humidity levels....Read more
With unlimited access to information at our fingertips at any given moment, it can be hard to keep up. ...Read more
Red hair, occurring in just 1 to 2 percentTrusted Source of the population, is the least common. Blue eyes are similarly uncommon, and they may be becoming rarer....Read more
Coffee is ubiquitous. It’s an understatement to call it simply popular. It’s a ritual. It’s routine. It’s a part of our identity....Read more
It’s common to feel under the weather every now and then-you may have a runny nose, an upset stomach, or a headache are common....Read more
At this point, you're probably familiar with the most common health conditions, from diabetes to cancer to heart disease, and their risk factors....Read more