Dubai is home to some of the most beautiful roads on the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), and beautiful roads attract gorgeous, ultra luxurious cars....Read more
They're not called high-end luxury cars for nothing. They take opulence a step further with all kinds of outrageous options that would have most people scratching their heads. But hey, it's all about what you want, right? You have to have that one veneer, that intricate clock, an ......Read more
Men need regular health checks. Medical check-ups help you stay healthy, talk about any concerns and pick up early warning signs of disease or illness....Read more
It’s no surprise that electronic appliances use electricity when they’re on. What may come as a surprise, however, is that all of our devices continue to use electricity when they’re switched off....Read more
These days, it’s not so uncommon to hear or, more accurately, not hear! the quiet hum of an electric car. As the cost of buying one continues to drop....Read more
Careful oral hygiene and professional dental cleanings are essential to keeping your smile bright....Read more
Turning 30 opens up the door to prolonged hangovers, a slump in metabolism - and yes, you'll even get grey hairs down there....Read more
Similarly, why does a dog not react at all to some people, but will growl or bark at others?...Read more
Fennel is an herb native to southern Europe and Asia Minor. It is cultivated there, and in the US, Great Britain, and temperate areas of Eurasia. All parts of the plant are aromatic....Read more
The rise in the rate of twins in the U.S. coincided with the introduction and wide adoption of fertility treatments, like in vitro fertilization, and drugs that induce ovulation....Read more
How many people do you know that turn to ibuprofen to relieve inflammation and pain? This nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory....Read more
The most impressive health benefits of carrot juice include its potential ability to prevent cancer, improve vision health, lower blood pressure....Read more
Most of the time, our eyes show a normal pupil size. Patients understand that pupil dilation (when pupils become larger) occurs in low light and will shrink in bright light. ...Read more
You notice the shaking most in the morning when you’re texting or drinking your coffee. Or it could be an all-the-time affliction, causing your hands to quiver whenever they’re hanging at your sides....Read more
For centuries, all that glittered actually was gold. This highly-valued precious metal has been used from everything to adorning royals to stabilizing economies, creating dental pieces, and even making your mobile phone work more efficiently....Read more