If you have sleep paralysis you are awake but you are unable to move your body (paralysis) and unable to speak when you wake up from sleep....Read more
Scientists and researchers managed to produce vaccines to protect against COVID-19....Read more
If you're like most people, the thought of leaving your house sans smartphone is akin to leaving an appendage behind. ...Read more
Multiple sclerosis (MS) can cause a wide range of symptoms and there's no exact list of early signs. A first symptom of MS for one person may never be experienced by someone else. That’s why it’s best to make an appointment with your GP about any symptom that worries you....Read more
Developing the physical changes associated with puberty unusually early is known as precocious puberty.In a girl, these changes are the development of....Read more
Pistachios are prized for their unique, slightly sweet flavor as well as for their intriguing viridescent hues. Pistachios are one of the world’s oldest nuts, being grown in the Middle East for thousands of years....Read more
If you’re looking for a clear path to better long-term health, your first step could be eating more fresh fruits and vegetables on a regular basis....Read more
Before you know it, you may be unconsciously reaching for sugary sweet treats at the end of every meal....Read more
Bananas are famous for their yellow color and slight curvature shape. Underneath their yellow exterior lies a soft, creamy and sweet flesh. Because of its texture and nutritional values, bananas are an excellent food choice for all age groups....Read more
Tinnitus is typically caused by damaged cells in your inner ear. Those cells will then send signals to your brain, making you think you hear sounds that are not there....Read more
Consistently having too many calories or too little calories can affect your brain. Too many calories can increase the risk of cell damage in the brain....Read more
The most serious effects of blood sugar swings are a higher risk for diabetes-related health complications such as stroke, heart disease, and nerve damage (neuropathy)....Read more
Eating canned food every day may raise the levels of the compound bisphenol A (BPA) in a person's urine more than previously suspected, a new study suggests....Read more
These symptoms include escalation of drug use, neurocognitive deficits, resistance to extinction, increased motivation for drugs, preference for drugs over nondrug rewards....Read more
Tea is already the second-most consumed beverage after water and between a booming population and a growing wellness industry extolling its benefits....Read more