Tinnitus is typically caused by damaged cells in your inner ear. Those cells will then send signals to your brain, making you think you hear sounds that are not there....Read more
Consistently having too many calories or too little calories can affect your brain. Too many calories can increase the risk of cell damage in the brain....Read more
The most serious effects of blood sugar swings are a higher risk for diabetes-related health complications such as stroke, heart disease, and nerve damage (neuropathy)....Read more
Eating canned food every day may raise the levels of the compound bisphenol A (BPA) in a person's urine more than previously suspected, a new study suggests....Read more
These symptoms include escalation of drug use, neurocognitive deficits, resistance to extinction, increased motivation for drugs, preference for drugs over nondrug rewards....Read more
Tea is already the second-most consumed beverage after water and between a booming population and a growing wellness industry extolling its benefits....Read more
Your body prepares to deal with the stressor, interpreting the anxiousness as a signal that you'll need to stand your ground or escape from danger. Your muscles become primed to act, leading to a trembling sensation, twitching, or shaking....Read more
It’s three a.m., but you don’t need to check your phone to know that. You know it’s that time because you always wake up at three a.m. It’s like your brain is equipped with a silent, malfunctioning alarm clock that rings you awake each night despite your earnest intention to slee ......Read more
Every time I walk down the stairs, my ankle clicks. It's subtle, but definitely noticeable. Click, click, click, click, click...you'll hear it the whole way down. When I first heard the noise I freaked out, sure that it meant major walking issues down the line....Read more
Even though the history of women inventors is just as long as men’s, the innovative work of women is often left out of the picture (especially when men take credit for it)....Read more
Human skin, in human anatomy, the covering, or integument, of the body’s surface that both provides protection and receives sensory stimuli from the external environment....Read more
There's a reason people say that truth is stranger than fiction. Between impressive inventions and natural oddities, the world can be a pretty incredible place. ...Read more
Few medical diagnoses strike fear in people like hearing you have a parasite, but it happens more often than most think. Parasites are responsible for a range of different illnesses in the world, including in the U.S., and they’re not just of the tapeworm variety....Read more
The number on the sticker is called “PLU Code”, which means “Price Look-up Code”. If you think these numbers are used for identification purpose only, you are wrong....Read more
Lemons and other citrus fruits are well known for their colourful pitted skins and tart, refreshing taste. Lemons contain citric acid and have a high vitamin C content. The peel of a lemon consists of two layers: the outer zest and a white inner layer, the pith....Read more