Chances are you've been through at least one breakup in your life. Nobody finds them easy, but because of the way we're wired - and our desire for connection...Read more
Insomnia can be caused by psychiatric and medical conditions, unhealthy sleep habits, specific substances, and/or certain biological factors....Read more
A spotlight has been turned on what children eat for lunch in the wake of a rising obesity epidemic among the world's youth. Obesity can increase the risk of chronic diseases including diabetes, heart disease, stroke, arthritis and even some cancers....Read more
There are many foods out there that help to increase the metabolic rate of your body naturally. There is no need to take in any supplements or other “magical” things....Read more
Humanity is a term which commonly refers to the human species, mankind as a whole, or sets of qualities which are used to define human nature...Read more
Since we are fans of DIY and brilliant ways to make life simpler, we are going to show you amazing ways to make your life easier....Read more
Research shows that certain foods may alter our brain chemistry and boost our mood, making us happier. So which items should you reach for when you’re looking for something that will taste great...Read more
The problem with cholesterol comes when it gets out of balance - that’s when it can lead to heart disease, heart attack and stroke. But there’s good news: it’s something we can help control. ...Read more
The idea of detoxing is everywhere. The wellness world is buzzing about why you need to cleanse your body along with hundreds of different ways to do so....Read more
There are many different forms of fasting, ranging from going extended periods without food to consistently eating less (perhaps cutting caloric intake by 20%) to intermittent or periodic fasting....Read more
Chocolate is the ultimate comfort food, a sure-fire stand-by in times of stress, a reliable source of consolation when life has let us down, and a mood-enhancer and romance-inducer...Read more
Everyone enjoys a good laugh, but who actually makes time for it in their lives? Sure, we like hearing a funny joke, people with a good sense of humor and watching comedies. ...Read more
We all have bad habits some of the time. But now is a good time to fix the bad habits that can be harmful to your spine and cause back pain....Read more
New research suggests that our memory capacity and ability to process data may improve when our smartphone is completely out of sight...Read more
There is no doubt in it that online shopping has pros which you won’t find while shopping from a physical store. The variety you get while you are just at your home leaning to the pillow and having laptop on your lap. ...Read more