Up until only fairly recently psychology and philosophy were thought to go hand in hand. It was only during the 1870’s when psychology became an independent scientific discipline....Read more
We all have that one imperfection we wish we could change - a crooked tooth, a large nose, acne-prone skin, eyes that are too narrow, a flabby stomach...Read more
From the crazy to the cool, the serious to the silly, there are tons of ways to make money that you might never have heard of. Some people have forgone the most common career routes and have decided on something a little more abstract...Read more
Naps can sometimes be essential, not only because it feels good to sleep when you're tired, but because a short nap can help boost your energy and even improve your brain power....Read more
The whole world knows that anything that involves the royal family’s personal business it's huge news. It appears that Prince William’s little brother, Prince Harry has a girlfriend, her name is on everyone’s lips. ...Read more
Have you ever wondered where watermelon came from? How about the old wive’s tale about swallowing watermelon seeds?...Read more
By and large, we’d prefer that people like us. We are who we are, of course, but we can change specific behaviors. So if there’s something we do that drives others away...Read more
A yes slips off our tongue before we have the chance to stop it even if internally we’re shouting “No!” and slamming on our inner brake pedal trying to stop ourselves from agreeing to something we don’t want to do....Read more
It's a situation familiar to many of us: That moment when something just feels off. You have a less-than-great feeling about your work environment, and then, someone utters a phrase that gives you a sinking feeling....Read more
From the moment we're born, we're all dying just as we're living. But certain mundane things we do every day may actually be helping us get there faster....Read more
They say eyes are the windows to the soul, but I think that's just a scam from the ocular insulation people trying to get us to winterize. Or maybe it just means you can tell a lot about people from their eyes....Read more
Table manners make eating with others a pleasant experience. There is nothing more disturbing than sharing a meal with people who eat with their mouths open, drum their fingers on the table, and have no idea how to act properly while dining. ...Read more
About 1 in 5 men experience a loss of libido (sex drive) at some point in their life. And because sex drive is seen as a cornerstone of masculinity, men are often devastated when their desire suddenly wanes....Read more
Testosterone is the main male sex hormone, but females also have small amounts of it. It is a steroid hormone, produced in men’s testicles and women’s ovaries . The adrenal glands also produce small amounts. ...Read more
Strong women are often categorized as being assertive and upfront about their wants and needs. However, women who are strong are very complex people who have a lot more going on than meets the eye. ...Read more