He worked with some popular bands in England such as the Avengers and the Insects as lead guitarist and lead singer....Read more
Overpopulation has grown into an epidemic since mortality rates have decreased, medicine has improved, and methods of industrial farming were introduced...Read more
Verified video footage, eyewitness testimony from people on the ground and information gathered from human rights activists outside Iran ...Read more
From ghosts to ghouls, witches to wizards, Halloween is the one time of the year when people come together to celebrate everything supernatural. But beyond the fancy dress and trick or treating, belief in ghosts is actually relatively common " with 38% of people classifying thems ......Read more
Italian artist Disse can see the world in a way you and I don't. They can spin it, turn it upside down, and show the...Read more
Introducing the luckiest people in the world! This list includes lottery ticket winners, people who cheated death...Read more
Faegheh Atashin, nicknamed Googoosh, was born in 1950 in Tehran. She lost her mother when she was an infant and moved with her father to Tehran...Read more
Drill, preparation of soldiers for performance of their duties in peace and war through the practice and rehearsal of prescribed movements....Read more
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo tweeted that "the United States is with you", while the White House said it condemned the lethal force and severe communications...Read more
The conservation and restoration of archaeological sites is the process of professionally protecting an archaeological site from further damage and restore ...Read more
What makes an individual a hero? If you were to ask a group of people, each person would probably give you a different answer....Read more
Although dogs have helped people with specific jobs for millennia, today most resemble family members more thalon empyees...Read more
Carmen bin Laden is a Swiss author. She was a member of the bin Laden family, having entered the family by marriage to Yeslam bin Ladin, a son of the patriarch Muhammad bin Ladin; they have since divorced...Read more
The young woman was suffering from depression and was taking medication prescribed to her by Iranian doctors. The young woman committed suicide on Tuesday morning...Read more
Some graceful historical buildings have stood the test of time and still serve as a testimony of majestic architecture while...Read more