Losing weight is no picnic. In fact, you could argue it's even harder to stay motivated during the cold time of the year. After all, the chances of people judging your bikini look are significantly lower....Read more
Russian President Vladimir Putin arrived in Iran on Wednesday for trilateral talks with Tehran and Azerbaijan, a meeting that comes as the Islamic Republic's nuclear deal is threatened by President Donald Trump's refusal to re-certify the accord....Read more
My name is Mihaela Noroc, I'm a Romanian photographer who's been travelling the world for the past 4 years with my backpack and my camera, photographing everyday women and collecting their stories....Read more
Made in 1932, Freaks was the original “walk out” movie. The film followed a young trapeze artist who joins a freak show with the intention of marrying then killing her owner...Read more
London-based photographer Denis Cherim challenges the way we look at the world and offers a different perspective. ...Read more
Everything takes its toll, and raising up a child is no exception. Mike Julianelle of a blog called Dad and Buried has started a funny trend, making people post side-by-side photos before and after they became parents to show how their kids 'ruined' them....Read more
North Korea is a country shrouded in mystery. Isolated from much of the world, there is a lot about North Korea that Westerners simply do not know. One of the more unusual and unknown elements of North Korea are the strange laws that govern its society. ...Read more
The number of people suffering from drug addiction in Iran has more than doubled in the last six years, local media report....Read more
The country is waging one of the world's most expensive and dangerous wars against drugs streaming across its 572-mile border with Afghanistan. Enormous quantities of opium and heroin have been seized....Read more
Trusting a photographer with your wedding is a huge risk. You're not entirely sure if the pictures will satisfy your eye, and there's no way of redoing them....Read more
The thing is pomegranates are healthy in their own right. Sure, like strawberries, they’re a rich source of vitamin C and antioxidants, not to mention fiber and anti-inflammatory properties...Read more
Mom and dad often take differing views when it comes to certain questions of parenting. Where mom might see danger, dad sees a chance to toughen his young charge for the realities of life....Read more
What used to be a woman's size 12 in 1968 is a woman's size 4 today; what used to be third-class is economy-class today. What changed? We've grown more sensitive: I'm not overweight, I still fit into a size 12. I'm not a third-class passenger, I'm a price conscious individual...Read more
Most of us weren't even born when the TV series MacGyver first aired. He was a secret agent who was able to fight crime without a gun. What made him unique was his practical application of scientific knowledge and ability to create extraordinary things with common items. MacGyver ......Read more
In the age of internet oversharing, intrepid photographers have gifted us with many wonderfully inspirational images…but these aren’t them.There is something delightful about seeing something is about to happen, knowing exactly what is about to happen, and imagining the outcome. ......Read more