Sukhoi Su-75 is a fifth-generation stealth fighter jet developed by the Russian aerospace company Sukhoi. It is also known as the Perspective Aviation Complex....Read more
Keeping the environment and natural resources clean is crucial for the well-being of the planet as well as for the overall health and quality of life of all living organisms, including humans....Read more
There are many theories and predictions about how the world might end, but ultimately no one can say for certain what will happen....Read more
Eye twitching is a common phenomenon that many people experience at some point in their lives. It is characterized by the involuntary contraction of the muscles around the eye....Read more
North Korea has developed several drones over the years, some of which are considered to be their most advanced....Read more
The human body creates fart, also known as flatulence, as a natural byproduct of digestion. When we eat or drink....Read more
A woman with a 180-degree spine fold can finally walk upright again after undergoing life-changing surgery to fix her severe condition....Read more
Pomegranates are delicious, and their ruby red seeds are a beautiful addition to recipes....Read more
The launch of the bio-space capsule is in line with the realization of the plan to send humans into space....Read more
The eyes may be the window to your soul but your face, features and complexion give away all sorts of information about you....Read more
Whether simply enjoyed with a spoon or tossed in a festive fruit salad, kiwi, or kiwifruit, is one of the most beloved tropical fruits....Read more
Water gushing through your home can wreak untold havoc on your property. This threat is posed by stormwater, floods, or plumbing issues....Read more
There are plenty of mysteries about the human body, and yawning is no exception....Read more
Understanding the dangers of flight that service members face increases awareness of the military lifestyle within the civilian population and is critical in finding solutions to lessen the severity of injury....Read more
As mother nature’s original superfood eggs have been part of our diets since the dawning of time....Read more