Farah Zeynep Abdullah, one of the most successful actresses of recent years, is also one of the names that received the most criticism from the audience....Read more
It is indeed an exciting thing to buy a perfume created by one’s celebrity idol. The making of perfumes under the names of celebrities is, however, not a recent practice....Read more
Houshang Ebtehaj was born in 1928 in Rasht, North of Iran. He published his first book when he was only 19 years old. He chose ‘Sayeh' /sa:yeh/ as his pen name, which means ‘shadow' / ‘shade'....Read more
A look at the the objective, biological differences between male and female bodies reveals that men have larger brains, hearts, and feet, but have an inferior sense of smell, sight, and taste....Read more
Putin studied law at Leningrad State University, where his tutor was Anatoly Sobchak, later one of the leading reform politicians of the perestroika period....Read more
Following the coup of August 1953, the government of Mohammed Reza Pahlavi launched the Second Seven Year Plan, an economic development program designed to improve living conditions and increase the productivity of Iran's economy in order to mollify political discontent....Read more
Besides being a Russian politician and a former KGB officer, not much is known about the current President of Russia....Read more
Yousef Teymouri, a well-known actor in the series “Under the Sky”, has a Thai wife, and the reason for his marriage to a Thai girl was that Iranian girls have a special mentality towards him because he is an actor....Read more
The Dutch football legend Clarence Seedorf has announced that he has converted to Islam, the 45-year-old said on Friday from his official Instagram account....Read more
There are no formal qualifications necessary to become a TV Presenter. However, there are accredited courses and training out there which can help you build your charisma and get you comfortable working in front of a camera....Read more
Mary Magdalene, a plastic surgery-addicted social media star who nearly died trying to get “the world's fattest vagina” has revealed now that she now identifies as a gay man named Sebastian Pickles....Read more
A man who made bank being a dead-ringer for Vladimir Putin claims he fears for his life after the Russian president ordered a full-scale invasion of Ukraine....Read more
People who struggled as children are smarter in many ways than people with privileged upbringings, according to a new study. A difficult upbringing means people develop unique strengths and abilities in order to cope with living in high-stress environments....Read more
The heartwarming show revolves around a young Emirati man called Ghaith, who travels the world and tries to help people in need and solve their problems in various ways....Read more
In her last interview, Fakoor-Saboor expressed regret over having become an actress. She said she would instead choose to get marries, give birth, and live a calm life if she could turn back time....Read more