Deja vu is the feeling that what you’re experiencing has already taken place. Chances are you’ve had deja vu at least once in your lifetime....Read more
Despite being told time and time again that sleep is essential to overall health "logging enough hours helps maintain weight and keeps you focused....Read more
For some, the siren call of fame is strong enough to keep people in the public eye for as long as possible. For others… it’s whatever....Read more
The dominant literature mostly treats oil in terms of economy or geopolitics: it is a commodity, and as money, it impacts on states and politics. More nuanced research has instead focused on the social and cultural impact of oil as seen from below, within communities....Read more
Tehran is the capital of Iran, in the north of the country. Its central Golestan Palace complex, with its ornate rooms and marble throne, was the seat of power of the Qajar dynasty....Read more
The city of Jászberény is located one hundred kilometers east of Budapest, Hungary. Jászberény is the Hungarian sister city of Yazd. Recently a Hungarian researcher by the name of Gábor Turóczi e-mailed Yazd....Read more
Ever wondered why after spending a fortune at a fancy restaurant does not fill our stomachs and on the contrary, when we spend a maximum hundred to two hundred rupees on a small food joint we eat till we drop?...Read more
They’re talented, attractive, wealthy, and widely acclaimed. But neither fame nor fortune immunizes celebrities against the ravages of depression and mood disorders....Read more
Also known as cab drivers, taxi drivers transport clients to their destinations via automobile. Taxi drivers are usually paid according to the distance and time taken to complete each trip....Read more
Known as the “Pearl of the Orient”, Goa is one of the most popular beach destinations in India....Read more
The Moscow Kremlin , or simply the Kremlin, is a fortified complex in the center of Moscow founded by Russian ruling dynasty of Rurikids....Read more
An employee’s job satisfaction largely depends on their particular employer. But in some careers, dangerous tasks, high levels of stress, and public scrutiny are all commonplace and can take a toll on employee satisfaction, no matter who the boss is....Read more
Many people think winning the lottery would be the answer to their prayers and the solution to all of their problems but some winners have had the opposite experience....Read more
The instant gratification that comes with extravagant spending is a feeling that some consumers can’t pass up....Read more
Putin and Lukashenko’s two-day summit came as the European Union and the United States denounced Belarus for using a hoax bomb threat to force a Ryanair jet to land in Minsk. ...Read more