After the beginning of their third baby, Prince William and The Duchess of Cambridge did what royal mother and father are anticipated to do and introduced the brand new member of the household for the world to see....Read more
A new study found that when women believed that selfies of thin and ..women had been edited, viewing these images had a less negative impact on one aspect ...Read more
Buy the right size for you not the size you wish you were. Every brand has different sizing. So don’t buy something small or tight just because you...Read more
25 Facts maybe you don’t know about Angelina Jolie...Read more
“Dreams are the royal road to the unconscious,” Sigmund Freud famously wrote in The Interpretation of Dreams. Even before he made this proclamation in 1899, researchers have studied the nature of dreams and their meaning for both our waking and sleeping lives....Read more
Weapon design is often meant to inspire fear, but occasionally it's just so goofy or strange that you wind up laughing. The military industrial complex has pumped out some pretty useful stuff,...Read more
Puzzles are small-scale versions of this ‘quest for understanding,’ even though there is nothing new at the end of the hunt when a solution is uncovered. ...Read more
Fans were treated to the first of a two-night concert being described as historic on Thursday as Iranian singing legends like Andy and Shahram Shabpareh took the stage at the Winter at Tantora festival in Saudi Arabia’s al-Ula....Read more
Are you in a frustrating relationship with someone who expects constant attention and admiration, but doesn’t seem able to take your needs and feelings into consideration? ...Read more
Are you hoping to be a great chef one day? There are a lot of traits that make chef’s unique, but some of the best chefs share the same qualities. Do you have what restaurants are looking for? Here are the 5 best qualities of great chefs: ...Read more
While there are many controversies about coffee's role in the prevention of Parkinson's disease to breast cancer, ...Read more
Some are logistical, like expenses and housing, and others are deeply personal in which environment are you the happiest?...Read more
It has also underlined controversy over the government’s treatment of women athletes and fans, in particular the continued...Read more
TEHRAN (FNA)- Head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Ali Akbar Salehi announced that the country will receive 130 tons of uranium in the near future to increase its reserves to 350 tons....Read more
Japan's Unit 731 is one of the best kept and most horrifying secrets of World War II. Unit 731 experimented on Japanese and Chinese civilians as well as Russian and American POWs during the Second Sino-Japanese War in the 1930s and throughout World War II....Read more